At the same time the representative of
AThe resolution of the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. and art. of the Criminal Code of art. and art. of the Criminal Code and art. para. from Law no. regarding the denomination of the national currency exception raised by Nicolae Valentin in File no. . of the Prahova Court Criminal Section and which forms the object of the Constitutional Court File no. .D. . The parties are missing from the roll call against whom the summoning procedure is legally fulfilled.The case being in a trial state the President of the Court grants Country Email List the floor to the representative of the Public Ministry who puts forward conclusions rejecting as inadmissible the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. of the Criminal Code of art. of the Criminal Code and art. para. from Law no. and as unfounded the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. of the Criminal Code of and art. of the Criminal Code.
With regard to the arguments of the author of the exception regarding the quality of the law it is stated that the circumstances are personal when they refer to the person in respect of whom those circumstances are present. Thus a circumstance that is personal to the perpetrator of a crime is in fact a real circumstance for a participant since the circumstance concerns the act that was committed by the perpetrator. Therefore for him this circumstance actually has the meaning of a factual circumstance. the Public Ministry shows that there is an exhaustive list of all the real circumstances but it is not provided for in art. of the Criminal Code from or in art. of the Criminal Code but in the various provisions of the special part of the.