Credit cards affiliated with local banks Most local banks provide special credit cards for online payment. account and have a credit limit according to your bank account balance and the banks credit policy. You can contact the most important banks in your country and ask about the credit card systems offered by each bank. After specifying the bank through which you would like to make the card visit the nearest branch of this bank and follow the procedures with the responsible employee at the bank. After a certain period from a week to days according to your banks system you will receive a credit card that can be paid online.
In fact in Arab countries this issue is still thorny. In some countries obtaining a credit card is difficult and in others there are very small credit limits. You should contact your bank yourself and ask about the credit card systems it offers and remeBelgium WhatsApp Number Datamber to tell them that you will use the card to pay online. One of the advantages of local bank credit cards is that you can pay the card debt from your bank account automatically and communicating with customer service is easier and more flexible and in your local language. Also credit cards are an acceptable method for most companies and stores so they are the ideal option for purchasing from the Internet.
It is worth noting here You can link your PayPal account to your credit card and then you can transfer money from your PayPal account to the card and you can also pay with the card via PayPal. Some banks provide another type of card called Prepaid. This type is not linked to the bank account and the card represents a receptacle for storing money.