The Pentagon will face a pretty tough environment over the next decade. In the coming years the Department of approx. But Todd Harrison, a senior fellow at the Center for Defense Budget Research and Strategic Budget Assessments, said the cuts are not the biggest problem with the sequester. He told CNN that untargeted cuts were the real problem. Senior researcher Todd Harrison talks sequestration possibilities But Harrison, who authored a new report on strategies for.
A year of fiscal uncertainty, said the Pentagon could handle sequestration in a number of ways. The first and least popular option, the Department of Defense, could go ahead with sequestration exactly as planned. cuts in the coming Malta Email List years. This equates to approximately $100 million per year. These cuts will be untargeted and uniform across platforms. Second, the Pentagon could use loopholes in the bill to supplement the automatic cuts with war funds.
But Harrison warned the war in Iraq was over and the war in Afghanistan, with two years left, was not a permanent solution. But this can alleviate some of the early difficulties. Third, Harrison said the Defense Department could change sequestration, meaning they could rebate cuts to save money in the short term and prepare for larger cuts in the long term. Harrison warned that with all these cuts they could spark turf wars at the Pentagon. The Air Force may be pitted against the Navy against the.